You wanna collab or something.
- enjoyer of pondering the orb
- studying cs
- infp 9w1 sx/sp 974
- sucker for soundfonts
- still searching for the perfect sequence of frequencies
- music whitelisted for GD
- dump: @ssymbointfiend
- discord: ssymboint
- also goes by hypercube143
Age 19
(NZ) The Andromeda Galaxy
Joined on 6/27/20
You wanna collab or something.
I could xD. I'm pretty busy at school.
Congrats! Or should I say hail the superior being from the 4th dimension!!!
You do make some goood stuff.
Oh yeah lol xD
Like otherwordly. Otherdimensional? Intergalactical!
That is all.
Damn, there's like, 30 seconds between all of your audio reviews, and they're all 5 stars, and they all have extremely similar content. I sure wonder why you're doing that :)
I fell like everyone deserves attention so I give it to them. I want to make everyone's day xD
Well, I feel like genuine opinions and proper criticism are more useful aaaand *honest* than what you're doing but hey do what you want
Yeah lol.
hi lol