This is the music you'd hear in an abandoned observatory. All the business from before has become just an echo. The harmonies are so mellow. Beautiful stuff :p
This is the music you'd hear in an abandoned observatory. All the business from before has become just an echo. The harmonies are so mellow. Beautiful stuff :p
Thank you for your wonderful comment!
Aside from your grassland description, I don't think anything better relates to your work other than Carles Dalmau's art for the mutual liveliness. The worlds you create within your music as so deep, intricate, and full, brimming with (e)motion that's hard not to vibe along. So pretty :)
Thank you so much bro! :D
I really enjoyed this. It reminds me of a certain cartoon featuring a guy and his yellow dog and all the adventures they'd go on :p My only feedback would be, while it sounds great as it is and it definetly works, your style has so much potential for extra instrumentation: could sound really banger that way. Keep at it!
This is giving me mystery of the forest vibes. This would be soundtrack to a spirit realm. Beautiful stuff :)
Sounds about right for a night goddess. This is actually a banger!
Thank you, I felt the same way about it.
How? Your music just makes me want to get in a mini spaceship to travel the stars
Shoot dude. I wouldn't mind this being the last thing I ever heard. I'd die partying
pretty :)
- enjoyer of pondering the orb
- studying cs
- infp 9w1 sx/sp 974
- sucker for soundfonts
- still searching for the perfect sequence of frequencies
- music whitelisted for GD
- dump: @ssymbointfiend
- discord: ssymboint
- also goes by hypercube143
Age 19
(NZ) The Andromeda Galaxy
Joined on 6/27/20