sweet i like this song xD
sweet i like this song xD
very nice song XD
Thank you !
Interesting name xD, good song overall. Keep it up!
Thank you very much ^^
epic bass, keep it up xD
thank you! :D
very nice, keep it up :p
Thanks mate I'm glad you like it
Nice what you have here xD. Did you use compression? it sounds like its clipping at points.
I really don't know this is like 5 years old I don't remember what I did lol
this is nice and chill, keep it up xD
thank you very much :)
Wait, are you whitelisted for GD? Anyway nice song xD
Yes, I'm whitelisted. Thank you though!
This is epic xD
thank you bro
I love the 8-bit fell to this song, keep it up xD
Glad you enjoyed it <3
- enjoyer of pondering the orb
- studying cs
- infp 9w1 sx/sp 974
- sucker for soundfonts
- still searching for the perfect sequence of frequencies
My music is available in GD - I'm whitelisted :)
dump: @ssymbointfiend
also goes by hypercube143
Age 19
cs (Oversaturated)
The Andromeda Galaxy
Joined on 6/27/20