You've created your own genre. Surprisingly pretty for an evil theme- it works really well :p
You've created your own genre. Surprisingly pretty for an evil theme- it works really well :p
Tysm! Had to do this character’s music justice especially for their backstory :]
I love teto (and touhou jumpscare)
It's literally consuming me. I listen to it, close my eyes and am one with it lol. Congrats on the frontpage too- very much deserved :p (I better see this in an open world space game sometime soon)
It maybe will be used for a Bejeweled 2 Remake who knows... i can honestly see it in a Open world too though!
I can only hope :P
Tysm as always fam <3
marry me
Beautiful chords, melody, textures... space - I could go on and on. The heart rate monitor (or whatever that is) was a super nice touch. Not like anything I've ever heard before. Huge fan
Stunning soundscape. Idk how you do it. I have transcended lmao
everything about this is just *chef's kiss*
brother what is that name? (fire track) I especially love the paint sounds for the lack of a better term, they're just so juicy
perfect for space travel
Genuinely perfect track for stargazing. I have to try it out with this. Much love
- enjoyer of pondering the orb
- studying cs
- infp 9w1 sx/sp 974
- sucker for soundfonts
- still searching for the perfect sequence of frequencies
- music whitelisted for GD
- dump: @ssymbointfiend
- discord: ssymboint
- also goes by hypercube143
Age 19
(NZ) The Andromeda Galaxy
Joined on 6/27/20