This has an ominous fell well done. Keep it up xD
This has an ominous fell well done. Keep it up xD
With support like this :) O F C O U R S E
This is cool xD.
This is really good. Nice use of your instruments xD
Thank you ^^
Nice xD 5/5 stars.
nice I love the constant beat throughout this. Keep it up xD
thank you bro uwu
Nice job mate. The dubstep in this is ludicrous. keep it up xD
- enjoyer of pondering the orb
- studying cs
- infp 9w1 sx/sp 974
- sucker for soundfonts
- still searching for the perfect sequence of frequencies
- music whitelisted for GD
- dump: @ssymbointfiend
- discord: ssymboint
- also goes by hypercube143
Age 19
(NZ) The Andromeda Galaxy
Joined on 6/27/20